Mary Wagstaff Holistic Wellness

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Drinking Always Leading to Blackouts? Hear This:

There’s nothing more upsetting than waking up the next morning not knowing how you got to bed—or realizing you don’t even remember putting your kids to bed.

The shame and guilt alone can lead you to drink again the next day. And the frustrating part? It doesn’t even feel like you’re drinking that much.

You try to drink less, but you still end up with the entire bottle of wine gone. It seems like the more you think about drinking less, the more you end up drinking.

My client Cindy used to tuck herself in most nights before her kids even went to bed.

Exhausted from the day, alcohol pushed her over the edge. There were just those couple of hours in the evening when she felt like she “needed a drink,” even though she spent all day either anticipating it or telling herself, “Not tonight.”

Drinking was always on her mind. She was scared and didn’t realize the damage these blackouts were causing. It was like the part of her that could show up for herself in every other area of her life just checked out. And that part of her wanted nothing to do with alcohol.

That’s the thing: when you’re so absorbed in your thoughts about drinking, alcohol takes over. Your higher self—the one who sees clearly and is ready to move on from alcohol—feels like, “This is not the environment for me.”

Even though you’re physically there, your higher self has left the building.

The first step we took together was Acceptance. But not the acceptance that she couldn’t control herself—acceptance that alcohol would never create the results she wanted in her life. She was using alcohol to solve the very problem alcohol created.

So, what do you need to be willing to admit about alcohol that you haven’t wanted to face?

Awareness is the first step to creating change. The next is safety.

How is alcohol no longer a match for the direction your life is taking? We all change, but alcohol stays the same.

Don’t stay stuck trying to meet it where it’s at. You need to meet yourself where You are.

The first place Cindy decided to meet herself was in a weekly private coaching session with me, where she empowered herself to learn the tools that lead to her owning her nights and her days without losing any more time to alcohol. Click here to schedule a discovery session with me and learn the three critical skills to create sustainable results with alcohol.