Holistic Alcohol & Life Coaching For Women

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Finding your way in the dark

What is significant about a new moon?

To some it means absolutely nothing.

To others, they plan their days around the lunar cycle.

Does it change your life regardless if you are aware of it or not?

I think so.

The moon is our closest celestial sister.

Many things on earth work they way they do because of the presence of the moon.

If you choose to pay attention, it becomes obvious.

The new moon for me represents a blank slate of limitless possibilities.

If you had a black chalkboard that represented your life, what would you draw?

Being the last new moon of the year, I think it’s important to answer this question

with refection on the year that has past.

I tend to focus my energy on the the things that really blossomed

and what supported that growth.

Appreciation for the existence of something keeps it thriving.

What was useful that helped you grow this year?

How can you nourish that, so it keeps supporting you?

When I ask my self this question, two things come up.

One, is my dear life partner.

And the other is a time this year of deep re-membering.

I want to feed and nourish these things so they continue to help me flourish.

So I can add to the amazing gifts they all ready offer in my life.

My partner and I went through great transformation and dove deeper into our intimacy.

Not to mention his presence as an active co-listener, guide and collaborator.

This made room for my own personal journey inward to grow and expand.

I was lead to a retreat where I connected with a sisterhood I was longing for.

There I found a deep rooted space for the new phase in my life as a Mother.

And the reclamation of the Creatrix, Witch, Goddess and Priestess I have always been.

It changed everything.

On this Dark Moon, I give space for those gifts in my life to run wild.

To visualize how I want to honor and feed them.

And also how I want to continue to grow in the light of such beauty.

Finding your way in the dark means there’s no right or wrong way,

there’s no path laid out for you.

Only the calling of your cosmic hearts desires and dreams.

You get to decide what to take with you and what can stay behind.

I’m choosing to take into the dark those things which bring light into my life.

So when I am scared or lost, I will have a beacon to take refuge in.

The path is always yours to choose, but choose what comes along for the ride wisely.

I invite you to begin the preparations for the new year now.

Take your time.

Reflect and really think about what you want to draw on your chalkboard.

The light of the moon will be back soon with new messaged to share.

Until then, dream wildly.

There’s room for you here.

New Moon Blessings,
