Holistic Alcohol & Life Coaching For Women

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What Is Mind Body Coaching and how can it change the world?

Coaching is an evolutionary approach to managing and taking responsibility for your life. 

Mind Body Coaching is that, plus a celebration in the living part of life. Looking at all of life, the ups and downs,  as a ritual that is sacred and meaningful. 

Where therapy helps you process the past and what has happened, coaching allows you to celebrate the present, what is truly available to you now,  and consider what is possible for the future.  

Traditional methods of therapy and counseling can work hand in hand with 1:1 coaching, giving individuals, especially those who have experienced major trauma, a wrap around system of support for recovery and resilience. 

You don't have to be in therapy to be in coaching, but they can work in harmony, beautifully. 

Coaching is about mindset. When I say it’s evolutionary, I mean it’s using the mind as your number one tool for creating growth and change. 

There are things in life, circumstances, that we do not have control over, but the one things we can always control is how we THINK. The thoughts we choose are always ours to pick.  

This process of thinking on purpose or mindful thinking,  takes work, practice and awareness,  but will change your life in amazing ways. 

When we being to think in alignment with the results we want in our lives, our emotions and actions fall into place with creating those results. 

A basic example of something that affects everyone is the weather. This is a circumstance, a fact we do not have control over no matter how hard we try.  Here’s how a scenario could play out in thoughts: (if you write your thoughts down, you will be shocked at the kind of thoughts that shows up. )

“Oh man, it’s been raining for days, this sucks, I haven’t been able to go on my walk in a week. My exercise routine is going to suffer and I’ll back to square one. ”  This persons thoughts that the rain sucks create an emotion of being disappointed.  In turn, the feelings produce inaction of not getting out and taking a daily walk and the results are more lethargy, less endorphins and not prioritizing their exercise. 

Now, there are a couple ways this could go…This is where the mindful thinking and the celebratory part of Mind Body Coaching comes in.

“Looks like there’s no end in sight for this rain to stop, I better get  bundled up and embrace all that nature has to offer. My kids love to splash in puddles, that could make things more fun.”  OR “I guess another rainy day means I need to figure out how to get my exercise in if it’s a priority.  This is a great opportunity to try that yoga video I have been putting off. “

Here you can see how these thoughts will produce a better and more desired emotional response, action and result. 

The trick is, you have to be aware that thinking is a choice. So much of what we do is on auto pilot because of repetition, it seems as though we don’t have a choice of how to respond because we have conditioned our own beliefs.  If beliefs are just thoughts you think again and again, then we have the capacity to believe anything we want if we change our thoughts accordingly. 

There are countless thoughts available to us.  Why we default to pick the worst case scenario much of the time,  is based on what our brains were used for when our survival was constantly threatened.  

However, we no longer need to live in fight or flight mode. Practicing thinking on purpose with believable thoughts is an exercise in free will. 

Beyond getting to the root of the thoughts we are thinking, Mind Body Coaching offers you tools to make the process of thinking on purpose easier, enjoyable and creating an overall more satisfying life.  This isn’t a practice to white knuckle through, it’s process of softening our rigidity to change and embracing the fact that we too are of the earth and require attention to the changing rhythms of our life and cycles of our journey. 

As humans in a wester culture, we are in GO mode constantly, never powering down when our batteries are running low.  We treat ourselves like the technology we think we can’t live without, instead of the beings of nature that we are. We don’t slow down to look at the inner workings, the uniqueness of our truest essence.  This creates disease,  imbalance and a general dissatisfaction for how we think we “should” live our lives, rather than the “musts” we need to feed our souls. 

The concepts of Mind Body Coaching are pretty straight forward, but you have to be willing to put in time as collateral for your mental health. 

We spend 10’s of 1000’s of dollars on the care and health for our homes, bodies, cars and even lawn, but we invest little to no money or time on our mental health. The one thing that will create a life and future of abundance and ultimately more world peace.   This way of investing in our future is starting to be prioritized little by little, but is so important for the welfare of our societies, children and the world at large. When we find more inner peace, we shift how we respond to others. I truly believe this is how we make big change.  Taking responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and actions and empowering future generations to do the same. We are not victims of circumstance, we are agents of free will and hero’s of our own story. 

Mind Body Coaching is my heartfelt expression of how I want to be in the world; fully present and creating sacred space where others can find comfort in their vulnerability. It is the essence of my life intention which informs all I think and do. It is the work I have been called to do after 20 years and many hours of study and self inquiry. I want you to know your expression matters, your creativity is divine and there is room for you here. Let's talk about how all of your dreams can come true and how to turn your problems into power. If you are interested in how coaching can change your life, let’s talk! To signup for a free heart to heart mini session, email me mary@yogafiedsoul.com

In the mean time please check out my blog for everyday ritual prompts, free coaching videos + classes you can do in your own home.  www.yogafiedsoul.com

With the highest regard, 

Mary Wagstaff