Holistic Alcohol & Life Coaching For Women

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Finding freedom in the flow. The truth about work/life balance.

There’s no such thing as a work life balance.

The reason that people find time management and prioritizing so challenging,

is not because of time,

but because as a society, we are out of sync with our natural rhythms.

I’m not here to tell you to read tarot cards or bathe under the moon light,

both wonderfully delightful practices,

rather, I am here to remind you that you,

are of the earth.

You are not a computer.

You were not born with batteries required.

You have free will of thought .

You would not be alive with out the atmosphere of the planet,

or without the other organisms and organic life that thrives here.

Everything moves in cycles and is connected, case closed.

The seasons, the sun, the moon, plants, animals, life and death.

This is the never ending wheel of change that we are part of.

So many of us resist it with all we have.

We hide out to avoid it,

or think, if we can get one more hour of work in, everything will be okay.

Not true.

The truth is, there is a natural ebb and flow to the state of our minds, bodies and essence.

There is no need to give in or fight it, there is simply an awareness first,

and then an allowing that takes place.

We live in a world where things don’t slow down because it’s winter, but we still can.

You may have to wake up and go to work everyday, tend to your children, home and self,

but the approach can shift beautifully along with your ever changing state of being.

If you pick a period of time to observe your energy level and overall desired way of being in the world,

you can start to get closer to how to tend to yourself in line with the cycle of you.

A good time of reference for me is a month.

For woman, their personal moon cycle is a very obvious way to watch your ebb and flow.

This cycle can be observed at all stages of a woman’s life.

From my observations and conversations, men who pay attention, have a monthly cycle as well.

You make simple observations of the state of the physical body, emotional body, and felt self or essence.

Just a few words to describe each.

Write them down.

And then act accordingly.

There are always ways to back off or put more out.

You don’t have to make school lunches everyday.

You can delegate tasks.

Find a more restorative exercise practice.

Go to bed earlier.

Say no to happy hour.

When you are feeling ready to rock,

get up earlier to go for that run.

Be more social during those times.

Finalize your house hold project.

Hire and accountant for crying out loud so that you can work on your art more! (note to self)

Not all the things on your list need to be done all the time, everyday.

If fact, when we force more than we are capable of, things suffer.

Working out of flow can create real stress in the body, too much of this turns into dis-ease.

Blanacing life isn’t about a perfect schedule,

it’s about paying attention to when you have more than enough to give

and when you need to replenish.

Even if the tasks you need to attend to are the same everyday,

there are choices we make that change our energy expendeture.

Mind Body Coaching gives you the tools you need to make flow a part of how you live your life.

It has changed how I approach everything.

It is work, don’t get me wrong, but the results are incredible and so worth it.

I believe reconnecting with our essences of being part of the naurtral world,

is how we can solve many of the problems we face on the planet today.

Start with your own life and see what happens.

Please reach out to if you feel called to incorporate Mind Body Coaching principals into your life.

…there’s room for you here.
