Mary Wagstaff Holistic Wellness

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Life's Mystery Answered

🌹Guidance From The Divine Mother🌹
Life is not a mystery, you are the miracle.
That is the surprise you still don't believe.

Rest knowing the truth of everything lives in one answer:
Your love. Your ability to love.
Become wise of the heart space.
Work and LEAD from there. 
The power of 10,000 suns radiates the formless into form,
into your view.
Get up, make the fire, and get warmer.
Fan the flame.
There is a beautiful day waiting to hold you,
if you let it.
Choose greatness through grace.
Love what is.
Unconditionally, because you can.
Even when it feels like the farthest tihing aways from what you want to choose to love.
You can be the saviour of your own life.
You are the answer and you are the mystery manifest.

To change your relationship with alcohol, you have to stop pretending you don't know the truth.
Giving your power away to indecision, confusion and overwhelm.
Commit unconditional.
Then there are only two options: Success or Quitting.
Both are neutral.
Failure isn't an option when you choose success.
There is no maybe, if, someday.
You decide NOW, to show up and figure it out until it sticks. 
No parameters, no conditions. 
Taking ownership of the RESULTS in your life.
Taking MASSIVE action and Implementing the powerful tools available to you, rather than conceptually knowing.
Evaluating and practising.
We can't say it's not working when we aren't trying.
It's patience, practice, evaluation.
Most of all, it's UNFLINCHING FAITH in the power of LOVE.