SEEKING: Pleasured and passionate, empowered female leader, ready to meet any challenge...

Want to be able to say: I woke up like this?
Or Are your mornings more like: I’m never drinking again?
Only for evening to come: I said I wasn’t going to drink, but screw it.
The Daily battle in your mind will continue until you have a deeper understanding of how your relationship to alcohol works.
One of the biggest fear clients have: will the nightly drama continue?
What most people don’t understand, is it’s not as straightforward as curbing a craving or moving past an urge.
There are layers.
Every excuse your brain comes up with, for why you love (but secretly hate it), is more of the same.
✨This is very important to remember.✨
It’s designed that way to save energy for survival that we don’t really need any more.
Being social
the taste
High Anxiety
Head Change
Yes, the alcohol will help you.
It will take all of this away, for a moment.
(There’s no difference between drinking because you’re excited or drinking because you’re sad)
Your brain is programed not only to respond to the chemicals,
(Watch someones mood change after they order a drink, but before they take a sip. They will instantly be more calm.)
Any action that produces a concentrated reward,
is double edged, this is SOOOO important.✨
The detox process will happen, but the thoughts stays the same.
This is why people can be dry for YEARS and STILL be in deprivation mode.
They never changed their relationship to the thought of what booze means to them.
They sat around saying, poor me why can’t I drink?
For the empowered clients I work with,
The Goal is to make alcohol Irrelevant.
The have AMAZING things to accomplish
and they want to look and feel great doing it.
You don’t come out of the womb with a chardonnay.
The first step is simply watching the dialogue in your mind like you are binging on Netflix. (but don’t substitute Netflix for alcohol! )
Get curious and ditch the judgement.

Mary Wagstaffalcohol, coaching