How To Quit Drinking (The promise that alcohol never delivered)

Can you think of one real benefit from drinking? You may think alcohol makes weddings more fun, boosts your confidence, helps you get in the mood, or helps you relax at the end of the night. 

These stories are why the emotions tied up around alcohol are contradictory for many. They can’t seem to get enough of the thing that causes them so much pain and at the same time appears to solve so many problems. Yikes! 

This is where most of my clients are when they come to me. What is ACTUALLY happening here is that EVERY association that they have with alcohol that makes a drink “sound good” (many of those situations already great on their own, like vacations, Friday’s after work and sex), have ONE root cause: a simple cognitive behavior pleasure response.  After so many times of going to happy hour after work, their subconscious primal brain, can’t WIAT to get that flood of dopamine, making it challenging to not drink when the effects of alcohol are no longer desired. This is where they have a real dilemma.  Part of the brain is saying: I really don’t want this, and the other part is saying: of course you do. This is how humans form EVERY habit. Add in a concentrated reward chemical, and things get really tricky, not what evolution fully intended. 

To solve the problem, we shift gears,  and begin to examine by becoming the witness to our thoughts, feelings and actions. We tune into the actual story of what is happening when we drink. Is this actually fun? If it is, then do I really NEED a drink? ETC…

It takes some time, but a switch will flip if they stick with the process of self observation and compassion vs blame and judgment. I ended a 20 year relationship with alcohol and carry no labels, dates or restrictions about what it means other than that my mind creates my reality, if I am willing to feel feelings and fail forward into the success I desire. My clients love this process because no matter what happens, they know that a desire to drink is simply an old sensory pathway or memory trigger, NOT who they are. A new pathway will be rewritten as they continue to live into the new story of their life towards inspired action and the person they truly are outside of alcohol. I work with in-depth with clients remotely 1 on 1. To sign up for a free consultation visit my website and let’s get this NEW party started! When you make a choice, you change the future.