Holistic Alcohol & Life Coaching For Women

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Problems to Power

Everything is perspective.

Struggles are real,

but challenges turn victims into hero’s.

It’s not the absence of fear that creates courage,

yet the ability to move through it that invites transformation.

A problem is defined as: a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.


Problems aren’t circumstances we let control our lives.

Problems are situations to deal with and overcome.

Complaining, blaming and taking the roll of the victim are not solutions.

This type of inactive behavior does nothing but reinforce the presence of the problem.

Why do we choose to act this way?

It’s instant.

There is little efforting required.

We think it makes us feel better.

It temporarily relives us of our responsibility for all of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

It postpones the inevitable tasks of facing our emotions and setting up boundaries.

Dealing with our problems means we have to use emotional maturity.

We have to take power over how we decide to feel,

and allow other’s to choose the same for themselves.

Taking control and responsibility over what we can in our lives reinforces the habit of thinking on purpose.

This is the act of decrement.

Know what you can change and what you can’t.

When it comes to other people, you do not have control over them,

and they do not have control over you.

Not how you think, feel or act.

Someone’s actions may influence a thought,

but it is always ultimately up to you to decide to think that thought,

no matter how automatic it may seem.

When faced with a problem, spend some time discovering your thoughts about it.

How you are choosing to think.

An example of this could be: I don’t have enough time for exercise.

This is a result of how I am choosing to spend my time.

My thoughts are prioritizing other things.

They are also determining when I go to bed and when I wake up.

I need to understand that 24 hours in a day is a fact that I can not change,

but I do have control over how I spend those hours.

This gives me the power back over my “problem” of limited time, discerning facts from thoughts.

Committing to waking up earlier or going to sleep earlier is the first way to gain more hours.

Time tracking for a week to see where I can trim some fat of unneeded tasks,

is another great way to gain more time.

Problems to power is about asking what is important enough to prioritize.

If I am unwilling to take make the changes necessary

and the problem persists,

the other option is to change my thoughts and allow it to be okay.

This way of problem solving at first can seem overwhelming and not fair.

But when we decide to live like an adult that has free will and critical thinking,

we will start to easily see how managing the mind

is the only way to be in control of life.

I have an 8 week program called From Problems To Power.

I take you step by step through the necessary actions in an effort to getting to know you better,

what you have control over and what you don’t, and how to feel good about all of it.

Taking responsibility for every part of your life can bring up feelings of anxiety and fear.

This just means you are getting closer to the truth.

If you are interested in being the boss of your own life,

I will invite you to a free heart to heart mini coaching session.

Life is a wild, amazing ride.

You can choose to hang on to the outside flailing around as the wheel of change keeps spinning,

or you can decide to sit calmly in the middle, allowing and observing as change moves around you,

like a beautiful setting sun.

In this process you will find,

there’s room for you here.

In inspiration,

Mary xo

contact me here.