There's room for you here.

What would it feel like if…

You walked into a crowded room and a stranger caught your eye,

started waving their hand saying, come over, pull up a chair, it’s so great to meet you?

You’re rolling up your mat at a yoga studio you have been to a dozen times and the teacher comes over

and says, I am so glad you are part of our community?

During a visit with your general practitioner, they hear your feed back about what is present for you in your mind, body and soul and say,

wow, your insight is amazing, you really have a wonderful sense of self?

You reach for the phone to call your lover to tell them about an upsetting interaction you just had with your Mother

and in that exact moment, they call you and say you are perfect no matter what happens in this life?

In my mind, I would feel held, loved and supported.

I would know someone cared unconditionally and the past flaws and failures didn’t matter any more,

in fact, they never did. I would know I was valid and important.

I would have an unflinching faith in myself that I can accomplish anything I choose,

in fact, I may even be the one to create the new paradigm to follow

for how to create success through joy.

But I would also think that I needed the approval of others to feel

Now, how would you feel if….

You walked into a party of strangers and sat down by the first person that looked interesting and asked how their day was going?

After yoga class you sat for an extra 10 minutes to meditate on expanding your personal energy to source energy so you may be a vessel of attracting abundance.

You start paying attention to and making notes on the phase of the moon during specific times of year

and how your mind, body and soul respond on physical and energetic levels. You don’t rush to google symptoms, you simply refer to your notes, have a

cup of tea and know you just need to rest today.

After an upsetting call with your Mother you sit quietly and repeat the mantra: breathe, relax, feel, watch, allow. You watch as your emotions move like a

wave with a beginning, middle and end. You feel lighter with a greater understanding that another persons actions are not personal, and that you are

control of all of your emotions.

For me, I would feel empowered, confident and in control.

I would feel expansive with less judgments to carry around about my self and others and more room to simply love.

In good times and bad, tough and easy, sickness and health, I would know that my being alive is the proof of my worthiness.

That I don’t need to look outside of my self for the answers to my truth.

That in love, relationships and community, I can take what resonates with me and leave the rest.

A kind ear, words of wisdom and a warm embrace are parts of our humanness that are priceless,

but there is no greater love than your two hands together in front of your heart.

You are your own best teacher, doctor, lover and friend.

Get selfish with yourself.

Take any seat at the table you want and pull out the chair for the next person to sit down right by you.

Know by your own right, you are enough.

Till death do you part, say I do.

There’s room for you here.