you Don’t need to change to be better suited for alcohol,

Alcohol is no longer Suited for the life you want to live.

learn more about mary’s private coaching-Mentorship

“Alcohol was something I really wanted to get out of my life. I knew I needed to work with her (Mary) to achieve what I wanted to…Mary’s coaching has improved every aspect of my life and I am so grateful for working with her.” - Amanda

The Call is Clear. You are ready for change and To get off of emotional the merry-go round of alcohol.

What if this moment held the same possibility for joy and pleasure as What you have been striving for With Alcohol?

I can show you how To end The Inner tug of war That keeps you drinking even when you say you don’t want to.

You are ready to cross a threshold into the next phase of your life, but alcohol is taking up too much space.

Private coaching offers a personalized path to uncovering your unmet needs and rebuilding your nervous system and mindset. Together, we'll explore how to meet those needs without relying on alcohol, empowering you to thrive independently.

Having a strong desire for alcohol is normal when everything around you tells you it’s what you should want, and the chemical creates a synthetic reward. We will disprove all of the objections that keep alcohol around by finding evidence to disprove them.

I will help get you where you need to go, every step of the way using my Five Shifts Process. Where you will gain a wildly new perspective around alcohol.

Together we will create a sustainable life style aligned with what’s most important to you NOW and make alcohol irrelevant.



“When this mindset shift happened, I knew it would be easy to release alcohol completely from my life”

“I knew changing my relationship to alcohol was on the horizon when I heard Mary talk about how alcohol became irrelevant to her, like it was possible for alcohol to be something neutral that was easy to say no to.

Among the many tools that Mary offered in my time with her, I received the most support from the continual reminder that I am not a victim to my thoughts, and that most often the worst thing that can happen is a painful emotion or a negative thought.

When this mindset shift happened, I knew it would be easy to release alcohol completely from my life, because I am fully willing to feel my feelings, and not let my thoughts and subconscious patterns get the best of me.”

-Nura Rachelle Astrologer, mother, Teacher


Do you know why even your best attempts at drinking less haven’t stuck?

It’s because taking breaks, doing cleanses, planning drinking, adding new “healthy” habits and reading quit lit… are all counter intuitive to how we actually learn and live as women.

None Of These Ways Help You Reduce Your Desire And Attachment To Drinking. You Have To UNLEARN Alcohol by learning more about you and your needs at this stage in your life.


“If anyone had told me 6 months ago that I would be alcohol free I would have laughed.”

"Liquor became my source of confidence, pleasure, reward and solace, and everything I did had to include alcohol in order to be fun or even tolerable. The pattern continued for the next 44 years.

Mary’s commentary resonated deeply with my own alcohol experiences and I decided to explore her 5 shifts. I tapped into “the witness” and was surprised how affective a tool it was.

Once I stopped judging myself I was able to more clearly understand the reasons I drank and that the reasons were exacerbated by the very act of drinking. A vicious cycle! My energy and enthusiasm grows daily and I have no feelings of deprivation or loss. I’ve started to exercise, meditate and make plans for an awesome future.

I owe my success to Mary Wagstaff and would recommend her program to women of any age or circumstance.”

- Laura Neal, Property Manager, Mother, Adventurer

Laura is going on 3 years of loving her naturally sober life! Getting ready to hit the road in her retirement adventure.

Here Is The Real Problem

Keeping The Focus On Trying To “Figure Out” How To Make Alcohol Work Or Trying To Avoid It, Only Keeps Alcohol In The Headlines Of Your Mind And Will Forever.

It’s normal to stuggel with alcohol when moderation is the goal because it doesn’t actually reduce your desire and attachment to alcohol. What you really want is to make alcohol unimportant in your life and eliminate your desire for it all together. You want to NOT want it.

That Desire And Attachment?…

It’s not your fault. You’ve grown up in a society that treats ONE particular thought like an INDISPUTABLE FACT: “Drinking is normal”

That ONE idea has been fed to you from the world around you your entire life. This belief is what’s driving the basis of SO much of your struggle with alcohol right now. It’s why part of you believes you have to find a way to drink it in moderation…so you can be a ‘normal’ person.

But It ISN’T A Fact.

It’s been sold to you, especially as a woman, as a tool of empowerment and freedom. 

When in reality it represses your innate wisdom, intuition and brilliance.

Welcome To The Feminine Way

my coaching mentorship is for women who are serious about making alcohol a thing of the past.

It’s for the woman who is over it, exhausted and is teetering between numb, overwhelmed with burst of creative sparks that never reach their full potential. She’s ready to get on with living her best life, making the impact she came her to make, in her home, with her career and her community. Most importantly, the relationship she is ready to have with herself and the Divine.

The Feminine Way, was created after 5 years of watching what really makes the biggest shifts in a woman’s life, that creates lasting change and witnessing my own personal transformation.

Living into a new, more ALIVE version of yourself that is FELT deeply in every area of life requires:

  1. A deep sense of embodied safety. This is established through the intimacy of our time together.

  2. Luxurious Space. Giving yourself time to be in the process and alchemy of this transformation is what makes it so deeply impactful and felt in every area of your life.

  3. Exquisite Self Care. The message of deep love and compassion that you send to yourself when you invest in fully understanding your bodies needs, dive deep into honoring your intuition and become a master at regulating your nervous system.

You Can white Knuckle your way to The other side of Alcohol trying to “figure it out”, or you can be held by The Feminine Way, and find out whats Possible with more Expansion and receptivity. It’s such a high honor to guide the woman who is ready to honor herself And her fullest expression in this life.

Private coaching is the experience of a life time that celebrates your life, your story and your transformation.



Mary helped me look at alcohol deeper than just the facts of am I drinking or not drinking, but how do I feel and what are my goals.”

“It's really about being curious with no judgement. I'm having a drink, so I'm going to have a drink, it's not good or bad, and If I wake up tomorrow with a hang over, I'm not going to feel guilty about it, I'm just going to experience it.

It's about thinking things through and not just having feelings. You gave me the opportunity to think deeper outside of surfaced emotions and feelings.

What I really want is to make big moves, and you can't make big moves when you're swimming under a cloud of alcohol.”

Kaylyn Dawley, Business Strategist, Entrepreneur

work with mary PRIVATELY



"I feel an inner soundness and feeling of being solid in my responses that wasn’t there prior to working with you. True healing”

And I am so grateful to you and the program and the opportunities and shifts of perspective that have opened up for me. I appreciate knowing you are still here for me…

I feel I have solid internal footing, which is an absolute testament to the work I’ve done these last few months with you and the program. True healing. "

-Bonnie Zadeyan, Mother of Four, Entrepreneur, Yoga practitioner

“My journey to change my relationship with alcohol has restyled my entire life.”

I began the journey only knowing how to be a daily drinker. I felt that at best, I could maybe moderate. 

Mary provided me with the fundamental realization that I did not have to settle. That I no longer needed to wander, but could build a more direct purposeful path to follow. 

From that moment on, Mary guided me in rethinking what I naively believed was unimaginable for so many years. A life independent of alcohol is not only viable, it is a choice I now have the confidence to make every day. 

To have the awareness that the social pull of a worldwide drinking culture is not welcome in my life. And, knowing that Mary is always here for me is priceless.  -Paula, Program Client

“Mary's work is life-changing.  Before working with Mary, I was tired, depressed and uninspired in life. After Mary, my beliefs have changed.”

I enjoy life and am excited for each day. I truly NEVER thought I would be writing this and not having a drink. Somehow, Mary creates a path for you without "clawing" your way through each day without a drink. This has been the best gift to me and my family. 

My Beliefs before Mary:

I can't NOT drink. 

I love drinking while making dinner. 

I won't have fun at parties without drinking.

I want to drink after work.

“Mary not only helped me wrap my head around thinking differently about alcohol, which I thought was impossible but also life in general.”

Mary stuck by me when I doubted myself, when I stumbled, and all the way through to now where I can honestly say I feel the BEST I have felt in years.  Mary not only helped me wrap my head around thinking differently about alcohol, which I thought was impossible but also life in general. The pandemic escalated my workload, my stress, and my drinking. Mary helped me begin to unpack all three, and I will be forever grateful. XO - Nicole, Program Client

My Beliefs After working with Mary:

I have so much energy.

I am so calm. 

I love myself and my life.

I can handle anything. 

I laugh more without alcohol. 

-Ami, Program Client

Working with Mary has been a transformative experience—a true game and life changer.

In every conversation with her, I feel completely safe to express myself without shame. Her insightful words not only help me see my challenges from a new perspective, but they also empower me to grow and overcome negative self-talk. The trust and authenticity in our exchanges have made every interaction deeply impactful, showing me the power of honest connection and self-discovery.

- Marianne, Private Coaching Client