
Once that switch flips and you are just DONE with alcohol, it doesn’t mean those sneaky cheap cologne, association trigger memories don’t rear their ugly head. But have no fear, the FO-Mosa is here! Cocktails are fun for a reason, but maxing an elixir as a ritual can fulfill your REAL needs and desires on so many levels. The fo-mosa is simple. But It’s amazing. Enjoy the process, pick your quality ingredients and with each sip and stir, infuse the glass with thoughts and feelings of the amazing health, love and vitality you are giving to your body.

It’s super easy:

Over a few cubes of ice

Coconut Sparkling Water

1/4 Cup Fresh Orange Juice

Garnish with a orange slice

Very refreshing and full of Sunny Goodness.

Cheers, sip and LOVE YOUR LIFE, sister.

Mary Wagstaff

Hello! I am a holistic alcohol coach and mentor and Mother of the a Little boy who calls him self smarty pants. I help Women End The Confusion Around Alcohol, Honor Their Wisdom & Reclaim Their Power. I am the host of the Stop Drinking & Start Living Podcast. I live in the foot hills of Mt. Hood Oregon where my sweetie and I will be building a healing sanctuary retreat. I teach yoga from the wisdom of my heart to guide others into a place of heart and soul in the present moment.

Client Spotlight


How To Quit Drinking (The promise that alcohol never delivered)