I'm Every Woman - I can sense your needs like rain onto the seeds
This is THE Woman's anthem of my generation, expressed perfectly.
When I think of celebrating International Women's Day, this song that covers it all.
Whitney in all of her talent, pregnant and beautiful, tells us how she's every Woman,
by using her POWERFUL intuition, motherly nature, and sexuality, to create her reality.
She's got it.
She was born with it.
She's a Maiden, A Mother, A Wise Woman and a Temptress.
And she is embracing it ALL.
She's also showcases a multi generational cast in the video to show THIS IS YOU TOO.
We all know how this tale ends.
Whitney's tragic story tells us, she KNEW what it was to be a Woman,
and how amazing it is,
yet there was some part of her, that didn't believe 100%, that she did in fact, have it all.
This is when addiction wins.
As a strong, beautiful, multi-talented, Woman in our modern world,
an inspiration for us all.
Whitney's story teaches us that addiction doesn't have a face or a name.
The message she shares in this song can teach us that the multidimensional POWER of a Woman, can overcome any obstacle or adversity.
Can make MAGIC.
Let Whitney's story inspire you TO BE EVERY WOMAN.
EXACTLY as you are, without alteration.
With every emotion,
and every spell cast.
The more you know HER,
the more you show HER love
the more SHE will know, her uniqueness in this life matters.
RIP to a one of a kind Woman.
Do it Naturally,