Is your mind controlling you?

When it comes to changing your relationship with alcohol, your Emotions and Thoughts directly impact the rate (the ETA) at which you achieve success. 

The very specific Emotion and Thought is what’s going to drive the Action to eventually achieve the goal or result you want in life. You have to manage your mind and become AWARE of the thoughts you think to change them and intern, change your life.

In today’s episode you will learn:
*The exact process I teach my clients to maintain emotional and mental hygiene.
*How our emotions and thoughts become habitual, just like drinking, how to identify and interrupt them.
*Learn HOW to manage your mind, honor your emotions and create the formula to inspire action, to achieve any goal, including, changing the habit of drinking.
*Understand the thoughts getting you stuck are creating low vibrating emotions.
* How inaction is also an action and a choice.
*How to self coach yourself in any situation to get one step closer to no longer desiring alcohol.
*How to spot and interrupt habitual thought patterning that is keeping you stuck and drinking.
*Learn how to create your dreams on purpose instead of reacting to the circumstances of life.


I use the term ETA as a double meaning. It really represents your Emotions, Thoughts and Actions.  
That combination will also determine your Estimated Time of Arrival to your destination (final result).

Habitual ETA’s that have become your routine are often negative and fear based.

Intentional ETA’s are what you MUST generate in order to achieve NEW goals and get to NEW places in your life. 

Example: After work (habitual thought pattern that you are unaware of)
Emotion: overwhelmed
Thought: Work is so stressful
Action: Drink
Result: Numb the emotion (leave the work stress until tomorrow)

With this habitual ETA: you can see, there is no REAL solution to the problem.

Example: After work (new ETA generated on purpose)
Emotion: calm
Thought: I'm so glad I am home to relax
Action: go to bed early
Result: Feel refreshed ready to respond with grace to life

When the urge or habit for drinking starts to create sensations in the body, even with a new intentional ETA, mindfully move towards the sensations. Know a drink isn't necessary, it's just a habit. Each day gets a little easier when you observe, allow and focus on what's working rather than what's not.  You will being to generate new emanations that attract higher quality thinking.

Where do you habitual focus your attention? If you focus on what is wrong, ask, what is right?
The other option is to dig deeper and get curious: Why is work so stressful? Why is that a problem? Is that true? Does drinking solve the REAL issues at work? What about the sensations of stress are so awful to feel?

AND... there is also simply FEELING the emotion without changing it at all.
Putting your legs up the wall and breathing the day away. From this place you expand into possibility instead of the roller coaster of alcohol. 

If you are ready to practice this work in real time, evaluate and strengthen the high vibe making muscel, with accountability, I currently have one more space in my schedule for a new client. Click here to schedule a call.

Mary Wagstaff

Hello! I am a holistic alcohol coach and mentor and Mother of the a Little boy who calls him self smarty pants. I help Women End The Confusion Around Alcohol, Honor Their Wisdom & Reclaim Their Power. I am the host of the Stop Drinking & Start Living Podcast. I live in the foot hills of Mt. Hood Oregon where my sweetie and I will be building a healing sanctuary retreat. I teach yoga from the wisdom of my heart to guide others into a place of heart and soul in the present moment.

I'm looking for a new love baby, a new love, yeah, yeah, yeah!


Remember Why You Came Here - Connect with the rhythm of your soul