Stop Drinking & Start Living Turns
You have to look beyond what’s right in front of you of all the way to the end to remember the truth of what will really matter when it's all said and done.
Sometimes you need an external example of what's possible to be inspired.
This is one of the missions with the show.
To be an example that Alcohol Free living creates more opportunity, fun, joy and freedom than a life with alcohol every could.
And that it's possible for you too.
I had to have an unflinching why.
I had to stop listening to EVERYONE else, and go in on being uniquely me.
I have NO IDEA of the depths of what’s possible for me, even today.
I plan the WHAT, but the HOW is delicate process revealed through grace and surrender.
These were the emotions I worked to generate to stay consistent and bring my heart and value every week to the show.
I didn't always feel like this.
I failed.
I said things I never did.
I probably said things that were wrong.
But I kept taking action, because being of service is the doorway to a life of satisfaction.
Some of my intentional thoughts that generated the above emotions:
This podcast is an extension of my life.
People need this information.
There’s no right way to be me.
There’s a woman today who needs to hear this.
Nothing is permanent.
Showing up for the podcast is not quitting on myself.
If I help one person EVER, It is worth it.
Alcohol leaves an endless trail of lies and illusion.
The future isn't about saying no to alcohol, it's about saying yes to HUMAN LIBERATION.
Happiness is available to me right now.
My process is working.
There is no RIGHT WAY to do anything. There is only belief.
My goals for the next 12 months:
Write my book. ( an extension of the show and my spiritual evolution)
Launch the 40 days to freedom program.
More TLC with my honey.
Less TODO lists.
Collaboration with other podcasts.
Spend 2 months in Mexico in 2022.
Build a yoga palapa on the property.
Double engagement and support with the show.
Excel at my ability to coach my clients so they become the Heroine of their own lives.
Not coincidentally, the same emotions above are one's needed when dismantling the habit of alcohol.
What I believe now about alcohol, in contrast, after accomplishing one of the biggest challenges of my life
(the podcast):
Alcohol is robbed me of the present moment and my confidence.
I wasn't able to hear my intuition, higher self or communicate with the divine.
The natural pleasures of life fill me at at sustainable pulse.
Not drinking has given has created more time, money and energy that I could have imagined.
Not drinking has challenged my relationship with Matthew and myself to process real emotion and real intimacy.
It has taught me that everything is a constant evolution.
If I resist change I will suffer.
To always follow my WHY:
To remove STORY until the only thing left is love.
Thank you for being a part of my journey, it truly is a ripple effect, this life.
Please send your inquiries and questions for the next year of the show,
AND... When you are ready to next level what's possible for your life when alcohol is out of your way,
I would be honored to be your guide.
Schedule a time to talk HERE.