The Year Long Belief Plan

Beliefs are the structure and foundation of your reality.
Alcohol has been your "rite of passage" into adulthood.
A practice of disembodiment and distortion that has shaped the foundation of your reality as an adult in many ways.
This structure of your belief system is outdated.
It is out of alignment with your authenticity.
In many ways alcohol makes the human experience feel like a prison.

It is time to LIBERATE yourself from the belief and stories of your ancestors and past generations to EMBRACE this human experience as a GIFT and to support future generations from this distorted view of reality.

Remodeling your "home" from at the foundation, can feel ungrounding and chaotic.
This is why we avoid looking at the deep seeded beliefs of the past that are no longer serving you.
But this work is worth it!
The result will be inner harmony and alignment with how you truly want to be in the world.
Being the living prayer of the past takes courage.
It is the greatest gift and honor we can give to our sacred lineage.
To mend ancestral woundings.
Now is the time!

There is potent medicine in the power of the sun right now (solstice energy) and the full moon in Capricorn (6/24) offers great stability to RELEASE all that is NOT YOURS!
You can give it back with gratitude and embrace the GIFTS it has given you.
Honor all that you are FEELING surrounding survival and basic needs. 
How can you trust that you have everything you need and you will be supported?

The result of a new relationship with alcohol is made of new beliefs.
New beliefs about alcohol take time.
Give your self grace, but start now.
You committed (unintentionally) to believing alcohol was great, fun and a solution.
You put A LOT OF TIME into growing that belief.
Take your time with unlearning alcohol.
Don't rush the process.
Give your self permission to learn a new way.
Think about all of the other things in your life you have redefined because of the commitment to the result you wanted. 
Alcohol is the same.
Even more so.
You have layers upon layers of conditioning and emotions inside and out to sift through. 

It took me an entire year to fully believe ONE new thing:
I have more fun without alcohol.

Then another year to believe:
Alcohol is irrelevant to me.

Then the third year:
I will never drink again.

When you wake up and say: I will never drink again, no part of you believes it. 
Not one.

However, you may believe, I have experienced everything I can with alcohol.
So you start there.

You can't force beliefs.
They don't work that way.
You create commitment to understanding your THOUGHTS via your EMOTIONS.
You gather EVIDENCE in your world that the beliefs you want are possible.
You show up to the commitment of unlearning as the Woman who know's that the belief is INEVITABLE.

You make decisions from the Woman who committed to the process of believing something new until it was hers.

How would she need to FEEL to take the next step in committing to changing her relationship to alcohol?

In today's Podcast episode

I have a conversation with the courageous, Amanda Strojny about reality reshaping.

P.S: I know, you might think, I'm not sure if I want alcohol to be irrelevant...I don't know if I want to NOT want it, Right? It's totally normal. Objections, doubt, fear.. all part of the process of believing new things. I've got you.
To find our more, schedule a complimentary alignment session HERE

Mary Wagstaff

Hello! I am a holistic alcohol coach and mentor and Mother of the a Little boy who calls him self smarty pants. I help Women End The Confusion Around Alcohol, Honor Their Wisdom & Reclaim Their Power. I am the host of the Stop Drinking & Start Living Podcast. I live in the foot hills of Mt. Hood Oregon where my sweetie and I will be building a healing sanctuary retreat. I teach yoga from the wisdom of my heart to guide others into a place of heart and soul in the present moment.



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