Your Attention Is Your Currency
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

Your Attention Is Your Currency

Alcohol is the solution to the problem of drinking.

Say what?!?

When you get to this place, your dopamine reserves are always dipping below your baseline, creating a deficit.
This robs you from the pleasures of natural dopamine rewards from things like hugs, food, cooking, dancing, playing, community and exercise.
Places where you once found meaning.

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The Truth About Recovery
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

The Truth About Recovery

We find refuge in meaning.
Words are spells.
They create a very SPECIFIC vibration in the body called an emotion.
This dictates much of the time why and when you drink.

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End the 24 hour drinking cycle
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

End the 24 hour drinking cycle

Finding a friendliness towards life, first requires one towards yourself.
Seeing life with less judgement.
You can never fully awaken from the distortion of alcohol without self reflection.
What does belonging really mean to me?
Why does this moment feel unsatisfying?
What is my heart felt intention for doing this?
What is true freedom and peace?

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Beautiful solutions and better parties
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

Beautiful solutions and better parties

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― Richard Buckminster Fuller

In my words, You Throw A Better Party!

Mr. Fuller also goes on to say, if the solution to a problem isn't beautiful, I know something is wrong.

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The way you THINK quitting drinking works, is way off
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

The way you THINK quitting drinking works, is way off

You've been waiting to change your relationship with alcohol,
but the habit of drinking has it's own belief system full of reasons why it won't work.
This habit is limited and has tunnel vision.
You can't change something that is buried.
You can't open new doors stumbling around in the dark.

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Old Relationships, New You
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

Old Relationships, New You

Familial relationships are the most challenging to navigate for a reason; they teach us the most about ourselves.
They are our first relationships of relating to the world through the lens of the other.
They mirror our very existence.
When your awareness grows, it often changes your opinion and preferences.
This is when the work of self-inquiry takes the next level:
Can you hold just as much self-validation and compassion for the other as you have for yourself

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The Shortcut Effect
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

The Shortcut Effect

Alcohol is a shortcut to happiness.
Shortcuts always require a compromise of our deeper truth.
We aren't really learning the way first hand.
The shortcut effect goes over the same path again and again with so much urgency
that the path becomes a rut.
In the rut, it's harder to see that there is another way.
The way where it's not about how quickly you get from A to B,
but that you do it with integrity,
without compromise.

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The Imperfect Baby
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

The Imperfect Baby

Love is the thing that brings us to life.
Love is the thing that brings us back to life.
Love is the thing that transmutes the fear death.

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Overcome The Feeling Of Deprivation
Mary Wagstaff Mary Wagstaff

Overcome The Feeling Of Deprivation

FOMO is an illusion that your capacity for joy is decided by an outer circumstance.
Things don't create our happiness, thoughts do.
When we wait for life to be JUST RIGHT to experience pleasure, we give our power away.
And then... You take your brain with you into that moment.
That moment of achievement, becomes empty and fleeting because your Mindset hasn't shifted.

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